Friday, February 18, 2011

Meet Allie

V-am zis de acum 2 zile că mă înfrupt hapsîn (acuşi o termin şi pe asta) din SuperFreakonmics. Îmi place. Voi lăsa fragmente care sper că vor stîrni curiozitatea, vă vor amuza sau vă vor determina să nu o citiţi. Acest fragment e despre munca noastră cea de toate zilele. Aici cred că ar trebui să scriu un întreg articol, dar mă voi rezuma la o idee – e important să ne placă din suflet ceea ce facem – ar fi păcat să lăsăm pentru alte vieţi lucruri pe care le putem face acum. (Eu cred într-o singură viaţă..şi apoi chiar dacă sunt mai servesc la nimic atîta timp cît nu le ţinem minte.) Dar ce v-am spus acum nu are nimic cu fragmentul ce urmează :).

„Back in Chicago, in a chic neighborhood just a few miles away from where the street prostitutes work, lives someone who was born female, stayed that way, and makes more money than she ever thought possible.

She grew up in a large and largely dysfunctional family in Texas and left home to join the military. She trained in electronics and worked in research and development on navigation systems. When she rejoined the civilian work 7 years later, she took a job in computer programming with one of the world’s largest corporations. She made a solid 5-figure salary and married a man who earned well into 6 figures as a mortgage broker. Her life was a success, but it was also – well, it was boring.

She got divorced (the couple had no children) and moved back to Texas, in part to help care for a sick relative. Working once again as a computer programmer, she remarried but this marriage also failed.

Her career wasn’t going much better. She was smart, capable, technically sophisticated, and she also happened to be physically attractive, a curvaceous and friendly blonde whose attributes were always well appreciated in her corporate setting. But she just didn’t like working all that hard. So she became an entrepreneur, launching a one-woman business that enabled her to work just 10 or 15 hours a week and earn 5 times her old salary. Her name is Allie, and she is a prostitute.”

Superfreakonomics by Steven L. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner

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