Cînd autorul se deschide sincer pînă în bătaia inimii, ai impresia că îl cunoşti de undeva...cînd autorul scrie despre viaţa lui fără a inventa eroi, trăieşti alături de un om viu...îi trăieşti prima dragoste, primul copil, prima diagnoză...şi citind cartea lui, el e viu. Am fost şocată să aflu că Dr. David Servan - Schreiber a murit 13 luni în urmă...În ziua cînd aflasem că nu mai este printre noi...eram la ultimul capitol al cărţii în care el descrie moartea...tehnic.
" As young doctors we both realized that we didn't know much about dying. We didn't even know if it really was painful. No one has considered it useful to teach us about that in medical school. So we read books together that described clearly how the body and mind go through the transition to death. With relief we found out that death isn't painful in itself. In the final days, the dying no longer feel like eating or drinking. The body dehydrates progressively. No more secretions, no more urine or stools, less phlegm in the lungs. Thus less pain in the abdomen, less nausea. There is no more vomiting, no more coughing. The whole body slows down. The mouth is often dry, but it's easy to relief the dryness by sucking on small ice cubes or a damp cloth. Fatigue sets in and the mind grows more distant, usually of a feeling of well being, sometimes even mild euphoria."
Dar toată cartea e despre viaţă, despre cum să o menţinem, despre cum să ne bucurăm de ea...
Voi transcrie doar un mic fragment despre beneficiul exerciţiului fizic...am deschis cartea la întîmplare căci unde nu a-i deschide-o, e toată interesantă. E o împletitură dintre cariera şi viaţa personală a unui doctor, unui soţ, unui pacient...
"[...there are numerous mechanism by which exercise improves overall physiology. First, it reduces the quantity of adipose tissue, the principal storage site of carcinogenic toxins in human, as well in polar bears. At the university of Pittsburgh, Devra Lee Davis, PhD, who runs the Center for Environmental Oncology, refers to excess fat as the 'toxic waste site' of the human body. According to her, any form of physical activity capable of reducing fat, taking with it its stock pile of contaminants, is a prime method for detoxifying the body. Moreover, physical exercise modifies our hormonal balance. It reduces the excess estrogen and testosterone that stimulate the growth of cancer (in particular, cancer of the breast, prostate, ovary, uterus and testicles). Exercise also reduces blood sugar levels, and, as a result, the secretion of insulin and IGF which contributes so dramatically to tissue inflammation and to the growth and spread of tumors."
Cu multă părere de rău că nu mai este, şi multă bucurie că l-am descoperit...
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