Thursday, October 16, 2014

Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra

M-am simţit vinovată cînd doctorul pronunţase numele lui Deepak Chopra precum ar fi spus Iisus Hristos...fără a mă căuta de priviri să vadă dacă eu habar am cine e. Ruşine, ruşine, dar am scos un icnet:
- Deepak Chopra...indian? (de parcă ar fi putut fi chinez cu aşa nume...dar 3 cuvinte tot înainte)
- Yes, born Indian.

aşa a început prima mea vizită la o clinică Ayurveda. Era o clinică pe care o vedeam în fiecare dimineaţă şi seară în drum spre serviciu. Într-o zi am hotărît să o descopăr.

Doctorul mi-a recomandat cartea. Azi am ajuns să o citesc. Voi transcrie un fragment din această carte:

"You may find it hard to believe so let me offer the example of Timmy, a perfectly seeming-ordinary 6-year boy who suffers from multiple personality disorder.Timmy has more than a dozen separate personalities, each with its own emotional patters, vocal inflections, likes and dislikes.Yes people with multiple personalities are not just psychological cases, as they drop one personality and put on another, remarkable changes can occur in their bodies.

One personality might have diabetes, for example, and the person will be insulin-deficient as long as that personality is in force. Yet the other personalities may be completely free from diabetes, testing normally for insulin levels. Likewise, one personality may have high blood pressure while the others do not; even warts, sores, and other skin blemishes have been seen to appear and disappear with the changing of personalities. The literature on multiple personalities includes patients who can instantly alter their pattern of brain waves on an EEG or transform the color of their eyes from blue to brown. One woman had three separate menstrual periods each month, corresponding to her three separate personalities.

Timmy is particularly amazing because one of his personalities, and only one, is allergic to orange juice and breaks out in hives if he drinks it. Health write Daniel Goleman reported in New York Times, "The hives will occur even if Timmy drinks orange juice and another personality appears while the juice is still being digested. What is more, if Timmy comes back while the allergic reaction is present, the itching of the hives will cease immediately, and the water-filled blisters will begin to subside."

Concluzie: puterea gîndului nostru e nelimitată...fantastic.

Cartea e despre medicina holistică indiană...despre cele 3 tipuri de "personalităţi" numite doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha...despre yoga, despre alimentaţie, despre respiraţie...e o carte mai aparte.


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