Sunday, March 15, 2015

My 29

March 9th, 2015 - 3 am in the morning. Somebody's knocking on the door.

Half asleep I am squinting at my watch to make the time out. The bangs on the door are getting only more insistent. I live on the first floor, my window is facing the street. I do have friends who used to surprise me on my birthday at ridiculous times in the past, so I make mind that the party is going to start early today. I peer through the curtains trying to discern the person in the dark. I can see he is wearing a uniform which seems real...


Very funny, I think to myself. But seriously, shouting in the middle of the night, might get me in trouble with my landlady. The voice does not seem to be familiar, but I failed to recognize voices in the past as well...I open the window and stick my head out:

 - You are too early, officer. My birthday party starts later.
 - I am sorry for the early hour, miss. There was a burglary next door. Have you heard anything?

I'm confused but I'm not determined to feel embarrassed as of yet. He must be bluffing. I went to bed a couple of hours ago and I usually hear the foxes...not that thieves make exactly the same sounds...but I would have heard something, anything...

- So... you are real, officer? I sound disappointed...I mean: are you a real officer? I restate my question.
- I'm quite real, miss, last time I checked. So, have you heard anything?

I am disappointed and the early hour definitely does not help so I insist:
- So you have no presents for me? (Crap, did I really say this? What if he's a real officer?)
- No, miss. I have no presents for you. But the thief who robbed the place next door just got himself an Aston Martin and 4x4 Mercedes plus the insides of the house. Since, you share the same wall with your neighbors, I thought you must have heard anything, have you?

He IS a real officer  - it dawned on me.

- I'm sorry officer, unfortunately I have not heard anything. I'm sorry for acting so silly, I thought you were pretending to be a real see it is my birthday today, anyways, I'm sorry. I couldn't help more.
- Is anyone else in the house?
- Not at the moment.
- Can you check if your house is ok?

Well, it seems burglaries are a usual business in this rich neighborhood. I wrote the beginning of a story some time back called "Chesterfield road", it was along the same lines, but a bit more frightening. Anyways, this is how my 29 started. It definitely got only better...:)

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